Implant Information
SG Medi-Tech strives to bring back your Smile.
SG MEDI-TECH¡¯s best implants are exported to China / South America / Asia / Middle East / Europe.
Global SG Medi-Tech With the know-how and the technology
that has stood the test of time
What is Implant?
Also called artificial teeth or the 3rd teeth, 'implant' is a dental treatment procedure for recovering the original function of natural teeth by planting appropriate implant body in jaw through additional surgery (e.g. bone grafting, distraction osteogenesis) in parts that require new teeth due to loss or removal. Osteoclastogenesis is performed in the jaw near the implant after achieving osseointegration, which is the mor-phological, physiological, and direct bonding between the surface of the implant body and the jaw maintaining normal function. Although there are many types of implant, screw-type bone implant is the most common form that is being used recently.
  • Implant is grafted in the area lacking natural tooth.
  • The most implant materials are produced by Titanium with outstanding biocompatibility.
  • After fastening the implant for 3~6 months, crown is placed on top.
  • Implant is sibilar to natural teeth both functionally and-aesthetically.
Effects after implant grafting
As grafted implant does not burden surrounding teeth, it is effective in extending teeth lifespan without arousing gum infection as do dentures. As chewing ability is 5~7 times stronger than other treatment procedures, you can regain the joy of eating with masticatory force similar to natural teeth, Furthermore, as dental treatment emphasizes the aesthetic aspect in addition to curing pain, the natural, beautiful shape of implant helps you to smile confidently to gain psychological stability and enjoy a life of confidence and vitality.
  • Implant does not harm surrounding teeth.
  • It presents similar chewing ability with natural teeth.
  • You can gain psychological stability and enjoy a life of confidence and vitality.
  • It helps you to improve unnatural pronunciation.
  • You no longer have to hide your smile behind your hands. Smile brightly with confidence.
Lifespan after implant grafting
Like natural teeth, the lifespan of implant differs according to individual habits or physical conditions. Health condition, oral hygiene manage-ment, life habits, and diseases are regarded as important factors. According to research reports, the lifespan is generally between 10 to 30 years, but is being increasingly extended due to scientific development. There are various methods for extending implant lefespan.
  • It is important to regularly visit the clinic for a year after receiving implant treatment to adjust biting status with teeth and manage the condition of hygiene, tartar, and tooth surface.
  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day in less than 30 minutes after a meal.
  • Avoid eating hard food, tough dried fish, ice or other types of food that may damage the implant.
  • Smoking and drinking must be avoided after surgery.
What happens if you neglect a lost tooth?
  • Surrounding teeth will become loose due to dispersion of stress. (Domino effect)
  • It will lead to deformation of teeth.
  • It the lower teeth fall out, the upper teeth will become loose quickly.
  • It will widen the gap between teeth.
  • Bone will be absorbed to create narrow bone width and change face shape.
Treatment method for lost teeth
01. Bridge treatment
Bridge treatment refers to the artificial teeth created by crowning several teeth in one clump after eliminating teeth existing on the left and right parts of the toothless area. This method can be used if the patient is only missing one or two teeth and has healthy natural teeth to serve as pillars for the grafted implant. Generally, it takes 1~2 weeks to chew normally and temporary teeth are used during this period. This device is supported by the crowned natural teeth and is permanently fastened unlike dentures that can be freely removed and inserted.
Advantages of Bridge
  • Cheaper than implant.
  • Can achieve quick treatment.
  • Lifespan : 8~10 years.
Disadvantages of Bridge
  • Damages healthy teeth.
  • Damaged teeth can be lost after some time.
  • Difficult to manage and increased outbreak of cavity.
  • Decrease in gum bone is presented for bridge in upper teeth.
02. Denture treatment (partial, total)
As a type of prosthetics that can be independently removed or inserted by the patient, denture treatment is designed to raplace lost tooth and adjacent tissue when it is judged that aesthetic, functional recovery cannot be gained through general prosthetics, which crowns teeth due to loss of several teeth or the complete loss of molar teeth.
Types of dentures
  • Partial dentures can be fastened by hanging loops on surrounding teeth.
  • Total dentures are directly fastened on gum.
Disadvantages of dentures
  • Triggers feeling of imitation and pain.
  • Cannot chew tough food.
  • Unnatural mouth shape.
  • Discomfort of being easily removed or inserted.
  • Inaccurate pronunciation.
03. Implant treatment
As the surgery compensating the inefficiency and discomfort of dentures and the anxiety of damaging healthy, natural teeth through golden crown prosthetics, implant is the newest therapy method that replaces deciduous teeth by grafting artificial teeth within bone to eliminate discomfort of dentures and recover function and aesthetics of original teeth without damaging healthy natural teeth.
Advantages of Implant
  • Complements disadvantages of existing treatment methods. (bridge, denture)
  • Can maintain long lifespan.
  • Can recover lost teeth without damaing surrounding teeth.
  • Can replace insufficient bone due to bone resorption through self or artificial bone.
  • Can achieve psychological stability to regain youth and confidence.