
(Behind the scene) MBC Gyeongnam - Factory exploration

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On October 11th, MBC Gyeongnam visited SG IMPLANT and conducted CEO interviews and filmed implant manufacturing processes.

MBC Gyeongnam TV program <으쌰으쌰(Let's do it)> is a broadcast that introduces global small and medium-sized companies

and mid-sized companies that are growing their growth potential in 18 cities and counties in Gyeongsangnam-do.

Were informing you of the broadcast schedule, so please watch it a lot.

- Broadcasting time : Saturday, November 23th, 09:30 (Part 1)

                                     Saturday, November 30th, 09:30 (Part 2)

                                    Saturday, December 7th, 09:30 (Whole)

- It will air over three weeks for a total of 50 minutes.

- You can watch it on YouTube on the day of the actual broadcast, and you can watch it again after the broadcast.

- It will be re-run on Sunday, the day after the actual broadcast.
